By entering or attending this event you are acknowledge that you:
● Will not attend if government advice dictates you should isolate yourself, this may include if you, someone you live with or someone in your support bubble has symptoms of coronavirus , has tested positive for coronavirus or is waiting for a test result. This includes following the guidance on how long you should isolate for, any additional guidance if you have been advised to shield or government advice on travelling abroad and re-entering the UK.
● Consent to your contact details being passed to the relevant authorities for contact tracing if requested. This data only will only be retained for 21 days following the event.
● Understand that social distancing may not be possible during a rescue or administration of first aid and that this may increase your risk of subsequently contracting Covid-19 or being asked to isolate.
● Will follow advice to ensure the safety of yourself and others, including:
Maintaining social distancing wherever possible and avoiding all physical contacting including hand-shaking, etc.
Regularly washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available. Please remember that proper washing with soap and water is much more effective than use of hand sanitiser
Avoiding contact with anyone who is unwell
Avoiding sharing of equipment where possible and ensuring appropriate protocols and products are used for cleaning any shared equipment before and after usage