Category: GB Team

Emma Christie

Class WC2 Club Break out Home Town Gilmorton Canoeing History Started paddeling when i was 8 and raced at the Junior World Championships in 2019. Best Result When i beat…
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Kerry Christie

Class WK1 & WC2 Club Break Out Home Town Gilmorton Canoeing History I started paddling when I was 8.Raced at the Junior World Championships in 2019. Best Result 1st in…
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Mags Dilai

Class WK1 Home Town Huddersfield Canoeing History Been paddling for years Best result Nationals mixed K2 2018 Favourite Race Sella Hobbies Walking Occupation TA Current Boat Wini Current Paddles Childrens…
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Joe Enoch

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Lucy Guest

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best Result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Francis Huntingford

Class MK1 Club Nottingham KC Home Town Wellington Canoeing History I started kayaking to complete Devizes to Westminster in 2017. After realising I preferred shorted distances I moved to Nottingham…
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Lois Leaver

Class K1W Club Edinburgh Schools KC Home Town Edinburgh Canoeing History Raced junior worlds in 2017 in Austria and I do a wee bit of slalom Best Result 14th at…
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Sam Leaver

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Ryan Mallon

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Alex McIntyre

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake