Author: WWR Admin

Ryan Mallon

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Alex McIntyre

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Findlay McLean

Class K1M and C2M Club Breadalbane CC & Strathallan CC Home Town Perthshire Canoeing History I started in canoe Slalom K1 and have recently been trying out C1 and C2…
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Anoushka Nabili

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Katie Pocklington

Class WK1 Club Wiltshire Youth CC Home Town Melksham Canoeing History I started kayaking at 13. I enjoy every second. I only started wild water racing about a year and…
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Scott Ritchie

Class MK1 Club Pinkston Panthers Home Town Glasgow Canoeing History Started with slalom about 4 years ago and now also train regularly with Panthers WWR/sprint squad. Best result Ironbridge 2021…
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Molly Sandercock

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake

Alex Sheppy

Class MK1 Club Devizes CC Home Town Marlborough Canoeing History Started kayaking in 2015 when training for the Devizes to Westminster 125 mile Junior K2 race. Since then I haven’t…
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Huw Singleton

Class MK1/MC2 Club Nottingham Kayak Club Home Town Nottingham Canoeing History I started flat water when I was ten, started downriver when I was 11 and have loved paddling on…
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Charlie Smith

Class Club Home Town Canoeing History Best Result Favourite Race Hobbies Occupation Current Boat Current Paddles Favourite Cake