Master World Championships -Sabero, Spain 14th – 17th August 2024.

If you are interested in entering the Masters World Championship in Spain this year, GB entries have to be made through the ICF entry system via Paddle UK, this is the only way to enter the Championships.
If you wish to be entered please complete your details below and we will contact you for payment and entry information. The entry deadline is the 4th of August, but we will close entries on the 24th July at 23:59 to allow sufficient time to process the entries through the ICF system.
To enter you will need to supply the following details.
Head and shoulder photograph
Date of birth
Country of birth
You will also need to complete a UK anti-doping course online to be allowed to compete, details and instruction on how to do this can be found here.
The race is run according to ICF Wild Water rules which are slightly different, and you are required to have an approved buoyancy aid and helmet, paddling shoes, and inflated airbags of the correct volume fully inflated in your boat. The ICF rules can be found here.
The entry fee is 100 Euros and you will be asked to pay this direct into a PUK account in £ pounds.
The latest bulletin can be found here.
If you would like to check out what the river is like there are a number of videos on you tube, search for Sabero European wild water 2021 or use this link.
It is a very nice river, nice straight forward rapids with very little chance of any boat damage.
It would be great to have a large master’s entry from GB so sign up below.