ACM Wednesday 23rd November 2022 at 20:00 – Agenda & registration to attend

- Introduction
- Previous Minutes
- Chair’s report
- Treasurer’s report, acceptance of accounts and Budget 2023
- Four Year Plan
- Election of Officers & General Committee Members
Secretary – No Nominations, closing date for nominations 24th October
Three General Committee members – Currently no nominations, no closing date - Requested Agenda Items –Currently none, closing date for Agenda items 24th October
- Committee Agenda Items – Currently none, will confirm after committee meeting 2nd November
Link to Registration to Vote, Nominations for Officers, Nominations for General Committee members and request for an Agenda Item Page
The meeting will take place via Zoom.
The meeting link and password will be sent to registered voting members and those that have registered to attend
The meeting will open 20 mins before the formal start time (i.e at 7.40pm Wednesday 23rd November) to give attendees not familiar with Zoom functions the opportunity to check their set up and ask questions.
Attendees who aren’t familiar with Zoom are encouraged to take up this opportunity to join early to test their systems.
In meeting voting
In meeting voting will take place via the Zoom ‘raise hand’ function
The Zoom ‘raise hand’ function is a simple process and instructions, including an opportunity to practice, will be available prior to the start of the formal business.
The Zoom ‘raise hand’ function will be used for the following votes:
- Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
- Approval of the Treasurer’s reports
- Election of Officers and General Committee Members
When a vote is required, votes will be counted by the Chair or Vice-Chair in the case of election of the Chair and a simple majority vote is required for all of the above.
Registration to attend
Registration to attend needs to be done by 18:00 Wednesday 23rd November.