Publication of Revised Terms of Reference

Following community consultation, agreement at the ACM and then approval by the Board of British Canoeing the revised Terms of Reference document for Wildwater Racingis can now be published. All of the disciplines with British Canoeing have one of these documents that set out the structure and remit of their Committee. The most visible change from last year is that the committee has been enlarged to include 3 more general committee members so the committee size has increased up to 10.
The following positions are elected:
- Chair – Simon Wright
- Secretary – Julie Lewis
- Treasurer – Ian Tomlinson
- 3 x General Committee Members – Vacant
Up to 4 National Representatives are appointed from the nations:
- English Rep – Jamie Christie
- Scottish Rep – Carl Foody
- Welsh Rep – James Wingfield
- CANI – Vacant
The committee is able to co-opt general members to fill the vacancies up until the next ACM. There are a number of roles that need to be fulfilled that are not necessarily committee roles, though they could be carried by Committee Members, such as Development Coach, Equalities officer, Athlete/Young Persons rep. During this period when we are not meeting at races then anybody can express an interest to join the committee or support us in any way by sending an email to
In the meantime the Committee is currently starting to look at the development plan and possible changes to the rules document to improve their clarity.
Yours in sport, stay safe
Simon Wright – Wildwater Racing Committee Chair